By Kia Morgan

Symone Seven, is a photographer who is showing young black girls they won't be left out and can be a princess too. Representation is so important when black girls can advisably see a princess that shares their skin tone and hair texture – they ultimately see themselves.
April 3rd, Symone posted on her Instagram page a self-portrait of herself as Disney's Cinderella with the caption, “Little black girl, you are princess too. A Symone Seven Self Portrait. Share on your story and show your daughter, then tell me what she said!” She also says in her post her photo was shot in her living room with sunlight.
Since the photo has made its way around social media the photo has received over 15,000 likes and comments all saying their daughters loved the picture and how pretty she is. Adult women saying they wished they saw stuff like this when they were younger.
Make sure to check out her work on her Instagram page and see her work. A couple of days after the Cinderella photo, Symone posted more photos of her as Princess Jasmine.