By Kia Morgan

Atlanta Music TV’s main goal and focus is to capture creatives creating. Wu-Tang’s RZA came out with a new ep of guided meditation track for creatives. Talk about right up AMT’s alley!
In a post on his Twitter page, “Listen to my new audio experience: Guided Explorations.
5 tracks to help you explore your mind—created with @TAZO. Start streaming now on Spotify. #TAZOPartner.”
Guided Explorations, is a five-track meditation EP of, “Kill The Noise”, “Fan Your Flames”, “Bite Or Stop Barking”, “If Not You”, and “Making Moves.”
Each track is formulated to help aspiring creatives breakthrough anything that’s blocking them from accessing clarification and oneness through the act of meditation.
Guided Explorations is now available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.